* Please input your game account.

  * Please input your password.

  * Click the image on left to refresh captcha number.

New user? Click Here   |   Forgot password? Click Here   |   Need help? Click Here

  I want to modify my register email.

  I want to modify my personal information.

For your account security, you need provide the correct security question answer first.

You got free 20 C-Points as Complete Info bonus!

What is C-Point Bonus you just got?

C-Points can be used to buy unique and special items (mounts, pets, etc) in Charm Shop!

Charm Shop Intro http://www.talismanonline.com/CharmShop.html

Recharge C-Point Bonus to your account


Please DO NOT share your security question & answer with others!
Security Question & Answer is required when you modify your register email.

  * Minimum 5 characters;Can’t be changed.

  * Minimum 8 characters(only letters and numbers).

Please input your account information:

  * Input a valid and frequently-used e-mail address .

  * Input your real name; maximun 50 characters.

  * Select your gender.

  * Example: 1987-6-21


You have modified your account information successfully.

Click [Close] to return to Step 1.

Now you can get your gift bag by visiting NPC "Gift Bag Deliver" and talk to him. Then visit "Mailbox" to get your gift bag.

Gift Bag Deliver position: 874, 328 (Glory Land); 709, -3248(Dark Land).
Mailbox position: 878, 335 (Glory Land); 716, -3234 (Dark Land) .