The first to defeat Zoo Duo!

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Dear players,


Since new boss Zoo Duo has shown up in Western Palace,let’s team up to challenge him!  The first team on each server to defeat him will win treasures!



> Event platform:


The first team defeated BOSS Zoo Duo, please upload screenshot to the above thread.  After GM confirms it, each team member will win  Bright Ruby which can combine your defense gear to +11 and +12.


Duration: new patch releases ~ Zoo Duo is defeated for the first time




> How to take part in it?


1. Event is held for players on every server except server SK.


2. Players team up / solo BOSS "Zoo Duo" in cave "Western Palace", defeat him and take a screenshot.


Eligible Screenshot should contain the following three points:

a. Complete team info (all team members’ name);

b. Interface of BOSS drops;

c. It's better to have rumor of defeat Zoo Duo.


3. Post screenshot & name list of all team members on this thread.


4. The first team who posts eligible screenshot on the thread will win price. Rewards will be sent within 48 hours.


* Only screenshot meets the above requirements is eligible for event. 




TO Operation Team





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