Call Together Old Partner now!

The old partner must be the one who registered before 0:00 September, 2013, but hasn’t played TO during 0:00 September 1 ~ 0:00 October 22, 2013.  And his characters are not deleted or banned.



Reward for you:

  • If you succeed in calling back one Old Partner, you will get 50 CPs!

  • During the event, if the Old Partner gains CPs through playing online and rebate recharge, you can get CPs and TPs as reward too. 
    Your CPs reward:
    50 % of your 3 Old Partners' (weekly top three longest online time Old Partners) CP Gains. Here "Old Partner's CP Gains" means his online time CP reward from this event.


    *Old Partners' online time will be refreshed once a week. If there are Old Partners share same online time among the "top three", a random three will be chosen from them.
    *Reward Sending: You will get CPs reward once a week - within 24 hours after every week's regular server maintenance.


    Your TPs reward:
    If any of your Old Partner credit TP during event time, you will get 10% of all the TPs he credited (not include mobile payment).


    *Reward Sending: You will get TP rebate within 30 minutes after your Old Partner's credit.


Suppose you have successfully called together 10 Old Partners:
Their character names are A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J


Your Old Partner You
Character Name Weekly Online Time Online Time CP Gains Credit TP CP Gains
(from his Online Time)
TP Gains
(from his Credit TP)
A 14 h 14 CPs 50 TPs   5 TPs
B 7 h 7 CPs 10 TPs   1 TPs
C 100 h
(Top 1)
100 CPs
(Top 1)
200 TPs 50 CPs 20 TPs
D 20 h 20 CPs 200 TPs   20 TPs
E 50 h
(Top 3)
50 CPs
(Top 3)
- 25 CPs -
F 30 h 30 CPs 1000 TPs   100 TPs
G 85 h
(Top 2)
90 CPs
(Top 2)
500 TPs 45 CPs 50 TPs
H 5 h 5 CPs -   -
I 15 h 15 CPs -   -
J 30 h 30 CPs 50 TPs   5 TPs


*One account can call together at most 10 old partners.



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